
Pap Smears, Breast Screening, STIs, and More – Female Screening Guide

A screening test is defined as: “The examination of a group of usually asymptomatic individuals to detect those with a high probability of having or developing a given disease”. In other words, screening tests are done to assess risk, NOT for already symptomatic individuals.

A good screening test has the following attributes:

  • Investigates an important health problem
  • Effective and acceptable treatment is available
  • The screening test itself is accurate and acceptable to patients
  • Natural history of the condition should be adequately understood
  • Overall benefits of screening outweigh harm
  • Ensures informed choice, confidentiality and respect for autonomy for the patient
Naturopathic medicine is all about prevention and being pro-active in your health. Screening tests are a big part of this, and while not all are worthwhile to do (e.g. for some, the cons outweigh the pros), there are some that you should be including as part of your routine check-ups.


Periods – What’s “Normal” Anyway?

While I’m not particularly a big fan of the word “normal” in medicine, it does seem to be a word thrown around a lot as a level to attain. However, even being in the “normal” range in your blood work doesn’t mean you are in the clear. That’s why I prefer using the word “optimal” – optimal levels, optimal symptoms, optimal health, and so forth. While a “normal” period doesn’t actually exist (our bodies are incredibly complex and beautiful), there is optimal measures for your menses (short form for menstruation aka your period).

Now, I want you to keep in mind that just because your menses doesn’t follow all of these criteria, it doesn’t mean there’s reason for concern. As always, the definition of health and optimal is individual to you. It is advised to speak to a naturopathic doctor before jumping to any conclusions and to discuss your healthcare concerns.


Common Nutrient Deficiencies in Athletes

I am in constant awe of the rigor and dedication it takes for athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike to reach their goals. If you think about it, athletes are a little crazy (they are willingly putting their bodies through tremendous physical and mental stress daily) – but truly inspirational nonetheless. Because of this increased metabolic demand and lifestyle (as well as an increased risk of a “leakier” gut as per my previous article), athletes are susceptible to some nutrients deficiencies that can greatly impair their health. Basically, any gut problems put you at increased risk for all of the deficiencies mentioned below.


Gut Health in Athletes – The Missing Link to Optimizing Performance

Gastrointestinal (GI) complaints in athletes can include vomiting, diarrhea, cramping, bloating, abdominal pain, and everything in between. These are very common during training and competitions – but why? Athletes work hard to fine tune their “machine” of a body, so they should be “stronger” than the average population, right? It is exactly because of the hard work they put into their goals that makes them more susceptible to gut issues. Strenuous exercise and dehydration influence muscle glycogen depletion and puts the athlete at risk for gut ischemia (reduced blood flow to the intestines) [1]. This is because there is a redistribution of blood flow from your viscera to your skeletal muscle, brain, heart and lungs [1].


Homemade Electrolyte Drink Recipe

Many of the commercial electrolyte or sport drinks contain an overwhelming amount of unnecessary additives and sugar. This can interfere with your performance goals, cause bloating, and delay recovery. Check out my handout below for a clean source of electrolytes that will get properly absorbed, cause minimal digestive upset, and provide your body with the boost it needs during and after a strenuous training session. Electrolyte Recipe Handout Keep up to date by following me Read more…

When Insomnia Becomes A Sign For Deeper Issues (PART TWO)

Wow! Insomnia encompasses so many different conditions that I had to split this article into two, so that your head (and mine) wouldn’t explode. Hopefully, by the end of these two articles, you will realize why just taking melatonin isn’t going to fix your insomnia.

Naturopathic medicine looks at the entire picture, including your medical history and risk factors (environmental, mental/emotional, etc), and works to create balance within your system so you can be your optimal self.

Click here for Part One of this insomnia series.


When Insomnia Becomes A Sign For Deeper Issues (PART ONE)

We’ve all been there – those nights were you toss and turn in bed, just wishing that sleep would finally wash over you. And this starts to happen night after night, and eventually you start to just get used to it. This is just how things are going to be for you; this is your new “normal”.

However, this is your body trying to tell you something. Often times, our body sends us signals and alarm signs, and we just need to learn to listen. Chronic insomnia can be a sign for numerous different health conditions. Here are some of the things that may be influencing your sleep:


Your Guide to Melatonin

Melatonin seems to be all the rage when it comes to insomnia and sleep problems. However, it’s good to be aware that the most popular treatments are not necessarily the most effective – they’re just the ones best marketed. With any supplement or treatment I recommend, I always want to make sure it is backed with clinical efficacy, research, and/or traditional knowledge. But before I get into that, let’s get into the basics of melatonin first.
