The Most Common Reasons Why Your “Healthy Diet” Isn’t Working

Addressing your diet is one of the most powerful things you can do for your health. There is nothing more we do on a regular basis (except breathing, I guess) that has such profound impact on your cognition, immunity, mental/emotional health, and overall wellness.

“Every time we eat, we send our body a signal towards health or illness”

There is power in this quote. This means that our journey towards health can start as early as the next time we take a bite. However, with great power comes great responsibility. Whether you’ve thought about going on a “healthy diet”, or have done so unsuccessfully before, the following list can be reasons why you aren’t getting the results you want:


Rest Your Gut With The Elimination Diet

Although the word “diet” is often synonymous with “wanting to lose weight”, there are numerous reasons why someone would choose to follow a certain diet. The important thing to always remember is that there’s not a one-size-fits-all approach in terms of what the “best” diet out there is, and there never will be. Each body is different in terms of responsiveness, environmental and genetic factors, personal goals, lifestyle, etc.

However, whether it be due to enhancing athletic performance, overall health, or due to a specific health concern, one of the diets I constantly recommend is called “the elimination diet”. From auto-immune disease, to skin concerns such as eczema, psoriasis, and acne, to digestive symptoms including bloating, constipation/diarrhea, acid reflux, etc, the elimination diet is a fantastic way to help your body reset, decrease inflammation, and help you feel like your best self.


Common Nutrient Deficiencies in Athletes

I am in constant awe of the rigor and dedication it takes for athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike to reach their goals. If you think about it, athletes are a little crazy (they are willingly putting their bodies through tremendous physical and mental stress daily) – but truly inspirational nonetheless. Because of this increased metabolic demand and lifestyle (as well as an increased risk of a “leakier” gut as per my previous article), athletes are susceptible to some nutrients deficiencies that can greatly impair their health. Basically, any gut problems put you at increased risk for all of the deficiencies mentioned below.
