Rest Your Gut With The Elimination Diet

Although the word “diet” is often synonymous with “wanting to lose weight”, there are numerous reasons why someone would choose to follow a certain diet. The important thing to always remember is that there’s not a one-size-fits-all approach in terms of what the “best” diet out there is, and there never will be. Each body is different in terms of responsiveness, environmental and genetic factors, personal goals, lifestyle, etc.

However, whether it be due to enhancing athletic performance, overall health, or due to a specific health concern, one of the diets I constantly recommend is called “the elimination diet”. From auto-immune disease, to skin concerns such as eczema, psoriasis, and acne, to digestive symptoms including bloating, constipation/diarrhea, acid reflux, etc, the elimination diet is a fantastic way to help your body reset, decrease inflammation, and help you feel like your best self.


When Did Mental Health Become Sexist?

I’ll be honest – it took me quite some time to write this article, because I feel like mental health is a very intimate and personal conversation. I began to feel like maybe it would be too intrusive and I would be making too many over-generalizations and assumptions (which, I’ll admit, I do for the purposes of getting my point across. Also, I apologize for the excessive use of quotes around words). However, I wanted to write this because I feel so strongly in my heart that men deserve the same care and respect as females, and shame, guilt, silence – these are words that should never be linked with mental health, regardless of sex.

I decided to go ahead with it anyway, because I am grateful. Grateful that I have found my voice, and am able to share it with those who will listen. Grateful, because I know that not everyone is so lucky.


Leaking, Dribbling, Start-Stop Stream.. Fellas, I’m Not Talking About Your Facets

Sometimes, you’ve just got to get the awkward stuff out in the open. I’m more of a “rip-the-bandaid-off” sort of gal, so let’s get right to it. As men get older, sometimes you have less control of things in your nether regions than you want to, and maybe you pee your pants sometimes. Let me start off by saying this is VERY common, and nothing to be ashamed of. If this is the right comparison (which it definitely isn’t), women have periods and menopause, men have erectile dysfunction and a prostate. It’s a fact of life – let’s accept it, and move on.

While doing research for my previous article on tomatoes being a men’s health superfood, I came across a study that basically said men have no idea what a prostate is. So, let’s start there.


Tomatoes – Men’s Health Superfood?

If there were ever a time to be able to eat your way to better health, it would be now. And, if you’ve been around the block long enough, you’ve probably heard that tomatoes are good for you, especially if you’re a male. The main compound that gives tomatoes a good name is called lycopene. Lycopene is what gives tomatoes its red pigmentation, and is responsible for the staining of your cutting boards (although not all red fruits/vegetables contain lycopene). It has been studied a lot in relation to things like prostate cancer and semen quality. A study published in 2014 showed that although a group of 130 men were uncertain about the function of the prostate and about prostate cancer, they had positive beliefs on the effect of lycopene on prostate cancer prevention [1]. In all honestly, not all of the evidence supports the protective effects of lycopene, but a good chunk of it does.


Pap Smears, Breast Screening, STIs, and More – Female Screening Guide

A screening test is defined as: “The examination of a group of usually asymptomatic individuals to detect those with a high probability of having or developing a given disease”. In other words, screening tests are done to assess risk, NOT for already symptomatic individuals.

A good screening test has the following attributes:

  • Investigates an important health problem
  • Effective and acceptable treatment is available
  • The screening test itself is accurate and acceptable to patients
  • Natural history of the condition should be adequately understood
  • Overall benefits of screening outweigh harm
  • Ensures informed choice, confidentiality and respect for autonomy for the patient
Naturopathic medicine is all about prevention and being pro-active in your health. Screening tests are a big part of this, and while not all are worthwhile to do (e.g. for some, the cons outweigh the pros), there are some that you should be including as part of your routine check-ups.


Periods – What’s “Normal” Anyway?

While I’m not particularly a big fan of the word “normal” in medicine, it does seem to be a word thrown around a lot as a level to attain. However, even being in the “normal” range in your blood work doesn’t mean you are in the clear. That’s why I prefer using the word “optimal” – optimal levels, optimal symptoms, optimal health, and so forth. While a “normal” period doesn’t actually exist (our bodies are incredibly complex and beautiful), there is optimal measures for your menses (short form for menstruation aka your period).

Now, I want you to keep in mind that just because your menses doesn’t follow all of these criteria, it doesn’t mean there’s reason for concern. As always, the definition of health and optimal is individual to you. It is advised to speak to a naturopathic doctor before jumping to any conclusions and to discuss your healthcare concerns.
