Common Nutrient Deficiencies in Athletes

I am in constant awe of the rigor and dedication it takes for athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike to reach their goals. If you think about it, athletes are a little crazy (they are willingly putting their bodies through tremendous physical and mental stress daily) – but truly inspirational nonetheless. Because of this increased metabolic demand and lifestyle (as well as an increased risk of a “leakier” gut as per my previous article), athletes are susceptible to some nutrients deficiencies that can greatly impair their health. Basically, any gut problems put you at increased risk for all of the deficiencies mentioned below.


Your Guide to Melatonin

Melatonin seems to be all the rage when it comes to insomnia and sleep problems. However, it’s good to be aware that the most popular treatments are not necessarily the most effective – they’re just the ones best marketed. With any supplement or treatment I recommend, I always want to make sure it is backed with clinical efficacy, research, and/or traditional knowledge. But before I get into that, let’s get into the basics of melatonin first.


Atherosclerosis: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

I used to work in a supplement store, and I had people come in all the time asking for things that would “clear their arteries” because their doctor said it put them at risk for a stroke. This is absolutely true, but unfortunately there’s also no magic supplement that will help “unclog” those arteries. The best approach is through a combination of lifestyle, diet, and potentially supplementation if warranted. To understand how to approach atherosclerosis, we first have to know what exactly it is.

What is atherosclerosis? (The Ugly)

The basic bottom line is that atherosclerosis is a disease of inflammation and immune system activation. It involves a series of steps that start with your risk factors (many of the things I have mentioned this month already on my Instagram posts) and end in restricted blood flow due to plaque formation [1]:
