The beautiful (and sometimes frustrating) thing about naturopathic medicine is that each naturopathic doctor (ND) practices differently, so it can be difficult to know what to expect. You can go to 10 different NDs, each with a different way of treating and approaching care, and they can all be effective. This because naturopathic medicine is based on individualized treatment, and while NDs are all trained in a variety of modalities (herbal medicine, homeopathy, Traditional Chinese medicine, etc), each ND has a different experience with each one.
Another confusing aspect is that naturopathic medicine is not regulated everywhere. In Canada, the term “naturopathic doctor” is protected by law only in Ontario and British Columbia. This means that if you find a registered ND in either of these two provinces, you can be sure they have the proper education, passed all their licensing exams, and are governed by a regulatory body that helps to protect the public.
So… when I get asked “what is naturopathic medicine?”, my response is always “Good question.”